Live Review: Chef’s Arse

As riots are breaking out across London and Birmingham tonight, I stand in a crowd of music lovers at the Buszy in Milton Keynes, waiting to watch Bletchley-based band ‘Chef’s Arse’. “They’re definitely one of the best ones to watch” says fellow musician, known for his solo project ‘House of John Player’. This pre-built anticipation is shocked with a dramatic entrance of a Chef Imitator shouting to the crowd in a french accent, once another Chef and Waiter walk out, it’s quite clear that this is going to be an obscure performance.

Indeed ‘obscure’ is the correct term to use, falling nicely into the category of ‘performance art’, the confident trio keep the audience on their feet by throwing toast (made on stage) into the crowd along with sweets and popcorn (after it had been offered to the crowd by the ‘waitor’/guitarist). Their sporadic music creates a vibrant atmosphere, focusing more on experimenting with effects on the guitar and keys than playing riffs; yet if the drums weren’t driving the band, interest would have been lost. Drawing to the end of their set, there’s a consensus of thankfulness amongst the crowd because tonight they are supplying humour at a time when comedy is hard to find.

Photography by Craig Short (

P x

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